Unmasked Index

John Joseph Kelly of Illinois & Florida:
Identified as Unite the Right Torch-Bearer “Boilerplate”
Joshua Harley James of Oklahoma:
Identified as Unite the Right Nazi “Hedd McNekk”
Justine Crowe James of Oklahoma:
Identified as Unite the Right Nazi “Title_Nein”
Hans Graebener of Texas:
The Stonetoss Trace: Short Version
Andrew Mark Liebenow of Texas:
UTR & Patriot Front Nazi Posts Hitler Content as “Eurogenicist”
Jordan Thomas Fracht of Texas:
Patriot Front Associate & UTR Attendee “Mooch TX”
Saran Sankar of Washington DC & Maryland:
The Groyper and Hitler Fan Behind “Modern Crusaders”
Clay Pinkston of Tennessee:
League of the South Member and Unite the Right Participant
Evan Plumlee of Pennsylvania:
White Lives Matter Pennsylvania Leader and J6 Rioter “Insider 140”
Haralambos Sarris of Florida:
Misogynist Groyper and Cozy Streamer “Harris Walker”
Christian Balanda of Michigan:
Identified as J6er and Groyper “Michigan Zoomer”
Connor Mitchell Banks of Michigan:
Identified as Racist “Jiu-Jitsu Groyper”
Shanta Lee Meeder of Alberta:
Identified as Neo-Nazi Troll “Anita Bieverlekker” aka “Kate Hikes”
Paula Ann Morin of Ohio:
Identified as LOS member and Nazi Troll “Helen FeralBlonde”
Charleen Ryan of Kentucky:
Identified as LOS Member and Nazi Troll “Char Gasemall”
Christopher Reinders of Nova Scotia:
Identified as “Zanting” of Anime Right News