Unite the Right Roundup

Unite the Right was organized online and attended by people willing to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to rub elbows with their favorite Internet Nazi personalities. In the spirit of #IgniteTheRight, we have pulled together a list of names and faces of people who attended (including many previously identified) and are not yet listed in the database.

Familiar Faces for the #IgniteTheRight Database:



Brian Patrick Baynes of Virginia – Atomwaffen Division and Vanguard America Member

Atomwaffen Division member Brian Patrick Baynes of Fairfax, Virginia attended Unite the Right with Vanguard America. Baynes pleaded guilty to a firearms charge in 2019.


Mugshot of Brian Patrick Baynes (Source)
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)
Charlottesville, 2017




Joshua Clayton Connor of Tennessee – AKA “Flamenco,” J6er and Former Killstream Co-Host

Joshua Clayton Connor aka “Flamenco” of Harrogate, Tennessee was present at Unite the Right and the #J6 Capitol insurrection. He is a former co-host of The Killstream podcast with Ethan Ralph.

Josh Connor later made an appearance at a 2022 debate on trans issues between Destiny and Elijah Schaffer at the University of Tennessee.

Joshua Clayton Connor
Charlottesville, 2017
Capitol insurrection, 2021 (Source)
Capitol insurrection, 2021
Joshua Connor asking a question at the debate on trans issues with Destiny and Elijah Schaffer at the University of Tennessee (Source)
Flamenco confirming his home location “about an hour north of Knoxville” in Discord.




Darryl Giblaint of Texas – Member of The Hiwaymen

Darryl Giblaint of Pittsburg, Texas attended Unite the Right with The Hiwaymen.

Darryl Giblaint
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)




Alan Hoyle of North Carolina – Street Preacher, Convicted Stalker, and Failed Sheriff Candidate

Street Preacher and convicted stalker Alan Hoyle was at Unite the Right.

Hoyle attempted to run for Sheriff (and failed) in Lincolnton, North Carolina in 2018.


Mugshot of Alan Hoyle (Source)
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)
Hoyle campaigns for Sheriff, 2018 (Source)
Hoyle at a 2nd Amendment rally in Richmond, VA (Source)




Kenneth Kurt Lining Jr. of Wyoming – Unite the Right Torch Carrier

Kenneth Kurt Lining Jr. of Wyoming has been identified as a participant and torch carrier at Unite the Right.

Kenneth Kurt Lining Jr.
Charlottesville Torch Rally, 2017 (Source)
Kenneth Kurt Lining’s LinkedIn and Facebook accounts.




Samuel Paarfus of Virginia – AKA “BLAMsamBLAM,” Traditionalist Worker Party Member

Neo-nazi Samuel Paarfus (known as “BLAMsamBLAM” on Discord) of the Richmond, Virginia area attended Unite the Right. In December, 2017 Paarfus wore a hat with the Traditionalist Worker Party symbol on it to a white nationalist protest led by Richard Spencer. In a Discord he posted a photo of himself and three associates performing a Nazi salute outside of a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant.

Sam Paarfus was a bassist for several small Virginia-area bands to include The Heathen Rival and Crossin Dixie. The drummer for Crossin Dixie was identified in 2021 by Sherman Marching as racist Identity Dixie member Lee Chappell of Dinwiddle County.


Samuel Paarfus
Charlottesville, 2017
White Nationalists led by Richard Spencer outside of Trump’s White House (Source)
Sam Paarfus’ @Samblam87 Twitter account, which helped connect his identity to Discord user “BLAMsamBLAM” (Source)
On Discord, Paarfus posts a photo of himself and three associates performing a Nazi salute in front of a Buffalo Wild Wings. (Source)
Paarfus as bassist for The Heathen Rival (Source)




Christopher Jakob Penix of Michigan – Vanguard America Member

Christopher Jakob Penix of St. Clair Shores, Michigan (previously Delray Beach, Florida) was at Unite the Right with Vanguard America. He actively posted online before and after the event.

More info from antifa_ne: https://web.archive.org/web/20190505220551/https://twitter.com/antifa_ne/status/1006905666764771328


Chris Penix
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)
Identification of Christopher Penix by Antifa Nebraska (Source)
Christopher Penix on VK (Source)
Penix on Facebook (Source)




Luigi Dario Porcelli of New Jersey – J6er and UTR Security

J6er Luigi Dario Porcelli aka “Gino Porcelli” was wearing a New Jersey Three Percenter patch as he provided security for chuds at Charlottesville. Porcelli was also on restricted grounds at the #J6 Capitol insurrection. #SeniorSnowPatrol



Luigi Dario Porcelli
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source: Rodney Dunning)
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source: davidtoc)
Capitol insurrection, 2021 (Source)




Jeffrey David Reed of Texas – J6er, Proud Boy, and UTR Security

Proud Boy Jeffrey David Reed of Rosanky, Texas provided security for white nationalists at Unite the Right. Reed was arrested for entering the Capitol on #J6. #FirstFamilyPB


Jeffrey David Reed
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)
Capitol insurrection (Source)
Capitol insurrection (Source)



Spencer Tinker of Florida – Crew 38 Associate (Deceased)

Crew 38 associate Spencer Lauren Tinker of Florida was present at Unite the Right. Tinker was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2022.

Spencer Tinker
Charlottesville, 2017
Tinker wearing a Crew 38 shirt, May 2017 (Source)




Familiar Faces for the #IgniteTheRight Database:


Alan Balogh of Pennsylvania – National Justice Party

Alan Balogh of Pennsylvania, father of Warren Balogh, is a chairman of the now-defunct neo-Nazi National Justice Party, and was present in Chalottesville.

Alan Balogh has a long history with the white power movement to include activism with the National Alliance.


Alan Balogh
Charlottesville, 2017
Gerry Sykes, Alan Balogh, Kevin Strom, and William Pierce photographed together in 1984 (Source)




Warren Balogh of Pennsylvania – National Justice Party

Neo-Nazi activist Warren Balogh of Pennsylvania was a chairman of the now-defunct National Justice Party and host of the Hitler-endorsing Modern Politics podcast. Balogh was present at Unite the Right, and later attempted and failed to sue the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Warren Balogh
Charlottesville, 2017




Gabe Brown of Kentucky – Former TWP and Hammerskin Associate

Gabe Brown, a former Hammerskin/C38 associate from Kentucky, carried a Traditionalist Worker Party shield at Unite the Right. Per a 2018 NBC documentary, Brown has since left the white nationalist movement.

More info from @afainatl here:

Gabe Brown
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)




George Coiron IV of Louisiana – AKA “Goose,” Identity Evropa Member and Louisiana Republican State Convention Delegate

Unite the Right attendee George Coiron IV aka Discord user “Goose” of New Orleans, Louisiana is a previously-identified Identity Evropa member.

Coiron was a delegate to the 2012 Louisiana Republican State Convention.

Previously identified here:

George Coiron IV
Charlottesville, 2017
Identity Evropa group photo (Source)
Coiron defending a Confederate statue in New Orleans (Image by Cheryl Gerber)
Coiron infiltrating protests to discredit them by holding up a sign saying “KILL WHITEY” (Source)




Bob Martin of Pennsylvania – AKA “Stannis the Mannis”

Bob Martin of Pennsylvania aka “Stannis the Mannis” on Discord was previously identified as a Unite the Right attendee. Due to pressure after being identified, he resigned from his job in 2017.


Bob Martin
Charlottesville, 2017 (Source)




Robert L. Walker II of California – AKA “Negronaut,” UTR Attendee

Robert L. Walker II of Los Angeles, California was previously identified as an Identity Evropa member who attended Unite the Right. Under his Discord handle “Negronaut” he posted photos of lynchings.

Several years ago Walker was a member of the petroleum engineering department at the University of Southern California. It is unclear where he is now.

More information:


Robert L. Walker II
Walker with Rise Above Movement members in Charlottesville, 2017
Robert Walker is still present on the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science page as of July 15th, 2024. (Source)




Paul “Hooberson” Walsh of Michigan – AKA “McCarthy,” Traditionalist Worker Party and Detroit Right Wings

Neo-nazi Paul “Hooberson” Walsh aka “McCarthy” (later changed to “Hand Banana” in the Discord leaks) wore a Detroit Right Wings pin to UTR and can be seen next to Anthony Overway, both of whom are banned from a Michigan LARP community for being Nazis. Walsh acted as a Traditionalist Worker Party regional officer for Michigan and helped fundraise travel money for Charlottesville.

h/t @UR_Ninja

Paul Walsh
Charlottesville, 2017 – Paul Walsh is seen with fellow Michigander Anthony Overway
TWP with NSM in Pikeville, 2017
TWP in Ohio (Source)
(Source: @UR_Ninja)




Shawn David Young of Georgia – White Nationalist

Shawn David Young of Georgia, associate of Sam Dickson, was present at Unite the Right.

Identification by @afainatl here:


Shawn David Young
Charlottesville, 2017




Hannah and Andrew Zarski of Virginia –

Hannah and Andrew Zarski were a (formerly) married Virginia couple who provided local support and organizing prior to the Charlottesville Unite the Right event.

Both Hannah and Andrew were in numerous white nationalist groups. Hannah indicated her own involvement in Identity Evropa and Identity Dixie in messages and images, and mentioned that Andrew marched with the neo-Nazi Nationalist Front.


Left: Hannah Zarski at the nighttime UTR torch rally. (Source) Right: Andrew Zarski seen at the Unite the Right the following day. (Source)
Hannah and Andrew Zarski (Source)
Hannah carries one of her children at a Nazi rally in Washington, DC. (Source) (Original Photo)
Hannah talking about her involvement with Charlottesville and membership in Identity Evropa, and her husband’s involvement with Nationalist Front. (Source)
Hannah’s profile image with the Identity Dixie magnolia flower logo in the corner. (Source)
Images from Facebook (Source)
Photo posted to Andrew Zarski’s VK account. (Source)
Hannah and Andrew at city council on Kessler’s side. (Source)


Hannah Zarski (née Thompson), now Hannah Brown, went under numerous aliases to include “Hannah Pleasants,” “PrimitveXaoc,” and “FreyasReich,” and played a crucial role in on-the-ground organizing. In a conversation on Discord she detailed the parking situation for the Charlottesville event.

If there was any question as to her true ideology, a look at her Twitter and VK accounts revealed Hitler and Nazi propaganda.


Hannah Zarski discussing the Charlottesville parking situation on her PrimitiveXaoc Discord account (Source)
Hannah posting a photo of her hand holding flyers for the Charlottesville Unite the Right (Source)
One of Hannah’s Twitter accounts, @galacticriot (Source)
Hannah’s @FreyasReich Twitter account with a banner image full of women and girls performing a Nazi salute (Source)
Name change history on the @FreyasReich account indicated that the handle used to be “HZarski”
Hannah posting Nazi content to her VK account (Source)



We’d like to thank the numerous individuals who tracked these people down over the years, the photographers who documented the events, and @UR_Ninja for the Discord Archives which continue to provide evidence for investigations today.



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