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Meet Shanta Lee Meeder (60) of Edmonton, Alberta. Shanta is a fortune teller, tarot card reader, and stay-at-home oil wife. She’s also the neo-Nazi troll known as “Anita Bieverlekker” and “Kate Hikes”.
Recently, Shanta began selling tarot card readings under the brand “Mystical Fortunes.” Unfortunately for this mystical YouTuber, her face seemed oddly familiar to us…

After checking the photos and examining facial features, we located a match in an old @UR_Ninja Discord archive.
Hello, “Anita Bieverlekker” aka “Kate Hikes”, we found you!

We also found Shanta Meeder’s current Twitter account, 3rdGenCalgarian, posting links to her Mystical Fortunes YouTube channel.
Excellent OPSEC on display, as always.

We wanted to make 100% sure we had the right person, so we scoured the timelines and archives for further confirmation.
There were photos of a dog posted to both accounts… And it was a match.

For those unfamiliar with “Anita”, just swap the H and K of “Kate Hikes” and you’ll get the idea. This hatemonger has been around for many years, trolling alongside members of “The Shed”.
We tracked a few trolling accounts back to 2016, but it’s likely there are many others.

But now let’s meet Shanta.
In her daily life, Shanta Meeder is a stay-at-home oil wife in Canada with a lot of time on her hands.
She frequently mentions her husband’s work and staying at home, and tends to talk down to anyone who isn’t in her fortunate situation.

With her kids grown and her husband working to support her, she uses some of her free time creating websites to peddle various consulting and financial advice for cash.

We took on the painful task of listening to the “My Money Reset” podcast by Shanta Meeder… and most talking points feel like a dizzying blend of couple’s therapy and the “law of attraction”.

In the series, she never mentions that someone else helps financially support her.
Eventually, Shanta turned her “advice coach” role to one with even more magical properties. Her current gig of choice: tarot card readings and YouTube.
Here, this bullshit artist can channel some subtle racism into invented gossip about Royal couple Harry and Meghan.

Some of her musings are also posted to TikTok.
The spirits were definitely getting to Shanta the night she decided to upload a video of her lens reflection haunting the fire pit.

And when Shanta Meeder of Edmonton is not posting to YouTube and TikTok, she’s still being racist and antisemitic on her more “subtle” @/3rdGenCalgarian Twitter account.

There, Shanta constantly posts about her pets, her family, her homes, and her wine hobby, which match many of the hints we received in the Unicorn Riot Discord leaks.
She really just spills a lot, constantly.

And those weren’t her only cross-posting fails.
“142 IQ” woman Shanta Meeder of Edmonton, Alberta posted her own face to her neo-Nazi Gab account.

And when we say neo-Nazi, we mean it. Most of the content on that account is just reposting Nazi posts, slurs, and other hate.
She’s acknowledged the Nazi label a couple times.

Shanta Lee Meeder of Edmonton, Alberta has said some very complimentary things about Hitler and Nazis across many accounts.

As we scrolled through her timelines, we saw many names we recognized.
Shanta Meeder’s first post on her “Dutchadian” Gab account was a shout-out to neo-Nazi “Azzmador“.

She had reposted neo-Nazi accelerationist “Alt Skull”, who was identified as Shawn Deats.
There were many reposts of the /pol/ News Network page.
And we saw an old tag-in by Shanta on Microchip, a notorious platform manipulator & disinformation specialist who became an FBI informant.
Shanta Meeder’s vile behavior knows no bounds, from posting violent threats and death wishes to telling Jewish people to “go be a lampshade” and wishing them a “Happy Holocaust” on religious holidays.

Shanta Meeder, of course, is also a Holocaust denier.

Shanta Meeder has a habit of choosing targets and harassing them relentlessly.
We thought this local “BoozeHag” campaign was particularly amusing because Shanta’s timeline was mostly her posting alcohol and talking about being drunk.

Hey, Shanta, do the people you’ve been harassing as @/3rdGenCalgarian know you are Shanta Lee Meeder (Ostafichuk) from Edmonton, Alberta?
@calgaryherald @CTVCalgary @albertaNDP
They do now.
Now, we’re no experts on Canadian law, but “communicating statements in a public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace” seems a bit like what Shanta likes to do.
Know someone who has been harassed by Shanta Meeder? Here is a convenient list of archives to pass to them and their lawyers: